Prices quoted here are good through February 28, 2025, unless otherwise indicated.
About 10,000 spaces are available for sale in nearly every section of the cemetery, including the most historic.
If you have relatives in Topeka Cemetery, please check with the office to see whether there may be unused spaces in the family plot. If no other arrangements have been made, ownership of burial rights passes from parent to child, with each child having equal rights.
Each space is the same price in all 100 sections. In 2025, the cost is $1,050 per space, this includes perpetual care on the space.
Burials are conducted six days a week, with an extra charge for a Saturday burial.
Most families use the Garden Chapel for their final goodbyes. This covered patio includes seating and a cement floor and is easier to navigate than going to the graveside.
Graveside services, of course, are available; a small charge is added for the setup of a tent and chairs at the graveside.
The price for a weekday service in the Garden Chapel is $1,100 when arrival is before 2 p.m. Later burials will incur an overtime charge and are only allowed with cemetery approval.
Burial of ashes on a weekday is $600; a burial vault is required.
Saturday burials are allowed; please call for pricing.
Burial Vaults
An outer container is required for all burials. You may purchased these from Topeka Cemetery or from a funeral home or crematorium.
The most popular full-size vault is the Titan, a concrete vault with fiberglass liner which fully seals; the current price is $1,395, plus sales tax.
A two-piece concrete grave liner, which has no liner or seal, is allowed. It sells for $895, plus sales tax.
Topeka Cemetery allows the burial of ashes in an existing grave, with permission of the space’s owner. A maximum of two people can be interred in a single space – one full body and one cremains, or two cremains.
A burial vault is required for ashes, but an urn is not. Topeka Cemetery’s current price for cremains vaults start at $225, plus sales tax.
A 48-niche columbarium is located on the grounds north of the Garden Chapel. Each niche holds the cremains of one or two people.
This is an especially economical way to provide a memorial for a loved one, if the family doesn’t already have ground burial space.
To place one person’s cremains in a niche, the current price is $1,200. Two people’s cremains may be placed in a single niche, the current price is $2,000.
Expression in memorials are encouraged at Historic Topeka Cemetery. Throughout the grounds are beautiful monuments designed to help tell families’ stories. We wish to continue this tradition.
The staff at Historic Topeka Cemetery can help you design monuments, headstones, and benches to honor your loved ones. Access to a variety of vendors for stone colors and styles provides the opportunity to find just the right memorial to tell your loved one’s story through the ages.
Granite is the material seen most often in the cemetery, and it maintains its beauty over the decades. Bronze also is popular, and these memorial plaques are placed on granite bases.
Prices quoted for memorials ordered through Historic Topeka Cemetery include design, materials, shipping, and setting.
Markers ordered from outside vendors may be subject to additional setting fees.
The cemetery does have rules regarding materials which may be used in memorials, the size and structure also may be restricted based on the amount of space available. Please have your monument dealer check with the cemetery before ordering.
Call (785) 233-4132 for more information on memorials and to set up a time to come in and work on a design.
Veterans memorials
Historic Topeka Cemetery staff is happy to help families obtain memorials for veterans. These are free of charge from the Veterans Administration, and never require a setting fee.
There is an ongoing effort to ensure all veterans graves are marked; it does not matter how long ago the veteran was laid to rest.
Advance Arrangements
Burial arrangements can be pre-paid, locking in current prices.
Funds paid for burial vaults and opening and closing of the grave are placed in a Merchandise Trust account monitored by the Kansas Secretary of State’s Office.
When headstones are ordered pre-need, they are made and delivered at the time of purchase. They may be placed on the gravesite or placed in our storage, depending on the family’s wishes. The cost of cutting the final dates on the headstone may be pre-paid, and those funds are also placed in the Merchandise Trust account.